Together We Bring Life & Hope

Jesus is the hope of the world and it’s only through him we find eternal life. Together we can take the good news of Jesus into every home — no matter the distance. Our mission is to bring life & hope to people across the world and thanks to your donation, we are moving closer and closer each day to completing that task.  



“Together, in the name of Jesus…”

“As a church it is our mandate from Jesus to take the good news to our community and around the world. We can't do those two things at the same time; which often leaves us feeling as though maybe the task is too big. Thankfully, we're not in this mission alone. The Richards have surrendered to take the good news around the world on behalf of our church.  Supporting them has enabled us to reach around the world with the same life changing message that we preach here every week in our community. Together, in the name of Jesus we are fulfilling the Great Commission to take the good news to every nation.”

-Pastor Eddie Lyons, High Street Baptist Church


“In partnering with the Richards we send life and hope…”

“A business exists to meet the needs of a community. If you don't meet enough people's needs you're out of business. Let’s be honest though, the greatest need of every community and every home around the world isn't more technology or a better work out routine, its the life and hope that's found in Jesus. In our business we try to show the love of Jesus to people in our community, but we can't reach around the world. In partnering with the Richards we can send the life and hope that we strive to model here, around the world.”

-Nick Mills, Hyperlink Creative


“We know our investment is a wise one…”

“In the past, whenever we gave money to a non-profit we were often left feeling burned, as if you just wasted an investment. After hearing the Richards plan to plant churches and knowing their desire to see the good news of Jesus taken to every home in the world, we know our financial investment is a wise one. We are confident that our donations are being used to take the gospel around the world.”

-Adam and Coren Larsen

We are committed to keeping all our donors up to date with what God is doing through your giving. You’ll be able to receive updates through our website, informative emails and regular updates on social media.